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dragon ball
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Kaméhamé ha!!!

In a fantasy world similar to the Earth and people of creatures, each one more strange than the other, a little boy to another; Herculean strength and endowed with of a monkey's tail one day crosses paths with a young girl. This one launched itself to the search for seven mysterious crystal balls. For it is said that whoever brings them together will be able to call upon the sacred dragon. and grant his dearest wish. Along the way, this duo of unusual adventurers encounters a transformist pig using his gifts to kidnap the young girls of a village, then a solitary wanderer adept in martial arts who the mere sight of a young woman is enough to destroy. tetanize on the spot. This is only the beginning of a great adventure rich in adventures, humor and extraordinary fights...

Finally here it is, the "ultimate" of Dragon Ball that everyone has been waiting for! The cult manga by Akira Toriyama (the most read and sold manga in the world) is presented here. in the best reading conditions: a large format which highlights each plate, quality paper, an original and sumptuous jacket illustration. The translation is also improved and even more faithful to the original text. Finally, the presence of all the boards made by hand. the era in colors, unprecedented in France!

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