DRAGON BALL Z FILM Band 01 (Französisch)
DRAGON BALL Z FILM Band 01 (Französisch)
- Auf Lager - maximal 3 Einheiten pro Kunde

For the first time in France, all the new adventures of DBZ in manga!
You think you've read all of Dragon Ball Z ? Discover 15 new adventures Super Warriors, never before seen in manga, ever more powerful villains and ever more impressive fights!
Garlic Junior is an exceptional demon, with a unique personality. like the Almighty. Jealous of his elder, he decides to bring together the 7 crystal balls in order to acquire immortality. But one of these balls adorns the hat of Son Goku's son, precipitating the latter's kidnapping by Garlic's mercenaries. Piccolo and Son Goku then set off to attack; the assault on the palace, while Garlic calls the dragon Shenron.
The story of this 1st film is set between Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, shortly before the arrival of the Super Warriors (Raditz and Vegeta) on Earth. It reveals for the first time the full extent of Son Gohan's powers.
Glénat Editions are proud to finally be able to bring to life the full extent of Son Gohan's powers. available to French readers the anime comics taken from the Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball films. Each work takes up the entirety of the original work. of the plot of a film and thus functions as a one-shot. 1 film = 1 complete story = 1 manga! ' Starting in February 2013, find a new one-shot every two months, presenting new villains and new Dantesque fights!
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