Infinite Dendrogram Novel Volume 17


Infinite Dendrogram Novel Volume 17

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Infinite Dendrogram Novel Volume 17 was written by Sakon Kaidou and illustrated by Taiki.

While on his quest in the Sauda Mountain Pass, Ray chances upon something surprising... In his hands, he now holds a ticket to “The Anniversary,” a special event led by the control AI.

Teaming up with Juliet and a surprise companion from his college days, Ray and his team agree to make their way to the location indicated on the invitation. Unfortunately for the group, their plans crumble when they see just what kind of event it really is: an all-out battle royale on an uninhabited island!

Nevertheless, they set forth to do what they must: whatever it takes to come out on top of this battle of champions! Can they hope to win in this cradle of elite Masters from all over the world?

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